What is an Accurate Role Perception?
Accurate Role Perception reflects a team member’s perspective on responsibilities, activities and behaviours required to achieve the results of a high-performing individual and team.
Perception lies at the base of every human activity. So, although a team member may understand their job, this awareness is often masked by their perception (perspective of the world based on personal values and beliefs). People think what they want to think and believe what they want to believe based on their subjective perception (or interpretation of the world).
To build an impactful Accurate Role Description we’ll support you through our role clarity framework using these four steps:
Step 1 – Establish role purpose priorities.
Clarify the five overarching role priorities.
Step 2 – Outline high-level skills/talents.
Determine the skills and talents required to demonstrate competency for each role priority.
Step 3 – Define activity or behaviour that a high performer would display.
Review tasks and define behavioural guidelines regarding how you want each role priority to be performed, focusing on what you would actually see when a role is being done well. This may include your perspective on frequency, attitude, standards, approach, tools, methods, concepts or cultural messages.
Step 4 – Specify measurable evidence.
Provide specifics on metrics (including actual numbers) that you can measure, such as goals, targets or activities for each role priority.
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